Harmonic Intergration & True 432 (Vancouver)

03/10/2020 07:00 PM - 09:30 PM PT


  • $10.00


Vancouver Maritime Museum
1905 Ogden Ave
Vancouver, BC


Join speaker Brian T. Collins for an evening of sound wellness


Speaker: Brian T. Collins  www.briantcollins.com

Talk 1   Title: Harmonic Integration & True 432
Nature’s Bio-Tones for Healthy Living and Emotional Wellbeing

Topics Covered:

How sound can promote healing.
The use of sound in shamanic practice.
Sacred numbers and the science of cymatic sound geometry.
How the ear is designed to enhance low frequency.
The science study of coherent frequencies and incoherent frequencies found in nature.
Clearing up online frequency myths.
The campaign for 432Hz preservation pitch.
Harmonic Integration; an effective innovative method of clearing stress, trauma and emotional wounding passed down in family generations.

Bonus: Live demonstration of Harmonic Integration with Brian T Collins
Special 33% discount off Harmonic Integration Session for all attendees